Sccm Query For Software Installed

  • A question that I see a lot is how can you create a device collection of machines that don't have a particular piece of software installed? This task is much easier in Configuration Manager 2012 since we can make use of the include and exclude collection rules.
  • Feb 20, 2014  3 thoughts on “ How to create a collection of computers by installed software. Jmulwani July 23, 2016 at 11:13 am. Can you explain how Installed Application differs from Installled Software? There are certain applications that do not show up when we query using Installed Application even though they are visible in the add and remove programs.

SCCM - WQL Query for machines with specific software installed and version or below - If you need to identify machines with specific software installed on a machine but would also like to know whether they have a certain version of the state - WQL Query for machines with specific software installed and version or below.

Best place to start is the built-in reports in the SCCM Console. At the bottom-left click Monitoring then on the left expand Reporting-->Reports-->Software*. Not sure what your directive of 'all software installed' really means, the reports will get you most everything. Certainly all software deployed via SCCM, but other stuff that was installed outside of SCCM may not be captured in the reports here. It's at least somewhere to start. Is there a particular piece of software management is looking for?

I've used the reports here to locate machines that might not have picked up a deployment, but the reports are only as good as the data they are derived from and if the clients haven't updated their software inventory you might not have the most current information.

As I said, this would be where I start, but I'm not sure you'll get exactly what you've been asked to get from SCCM alone.

Best of luck! I'd love to hear what you ultimately get working as I've not messed with the SCCM reports that much and wouldn't mind expanding my knowledge there.

A question that I see a lot is how can you create a device collection of machines that don't have a particular piece of software installed?


Sccm Sql Query For Installed Software

This task is much easier in Configuration Manager 2012 since we can make use of the include and exclude collection rules. In Configuration Manager 2007, you would need to create a sub-select query to accomplish this which takes more time.

In this post, I'm going to demonstrate how you can use include and exclude collection rules to create a collection of machines that do and do not have a certain application installed.

Step 1: You will need to create a collection of machines that actually have the software installed. In this example, I will use Adobe Reader as my application. Here's what the query will look like in the Criterion Properties. Notice my query is finding where the Display Name contains %Adobe Reader% so it will find computers with any version of Adobe Reader installed. You could customize your query to be more specific if needed.

Here is the actual WQL you can use:




SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId


SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName like '%Adobe Reader%'

I have one computer in my lab that has Adobe Reader installed.

Sccm Query For Software Installed Download

Step 2: We will create a machine collection of computers that do not have Adobe Reader Installed. We will use an include and exclude rule to accomplish this.

Add an Include Rule in the new collection wizard. You can include any collection of machines you want except the collection you created in step 1. In my case, the collection i created in step 1 was named 'Adobe Reader Installed'. I created an include rule for 'All Desktops and Servers' collection this will allow me to find all computers in my environment that don't have Adobe Reader installed.

Sccm Collection Installed Software

Next we will create an exclude rule. You will exclude the collection of machines you created in Step 1. In my case, this collection was the 'Adobe Reader Installed Collection'

Sccm Query Software Installed On Computer

Exclude rules will take priority over an Include rules. For example, lets say the collection you selected for your include rule contains a computer named 'PC1' and the collection you selected for your exclude rule also contains 'PC1. In this case, PC1 will be excluded from your collection since PC1 was in the collection in your exclude rule.

Create Sccm Query For Installed Software

I had 4 computers in my environment without Adobe Reader installed

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