In the jailbreak app you can easily download your favorite apps and games which are not available in the official Apple App Store. If you want to install any jailbreaking app then you can download the top 10 best jailbreaking apps. The iPhone jailbreak app is commonly used by many ios users for installing their favorite apps and games. Best Cydia jailbreak / AppStore alternative store for iPhone, iPad. Get Tweaked Apps, Spotify Premium, Instagram, Minecraft PE iOS, Apps and Jailbreak Apps Without Computer Free on any iOS Version! Most iPhone users love to customise their phones, but are not allowed by the restrictions of security set up by Apple in its phones. That’s where the concept of Jailbreak is introduced for iPhones. Before moving to best jailbreak tweaks, first you need to know about best cydia sources as it is the first step to any ios jailbreak.
Anyone who’s rocking the Yalu jailbreak for iOS 10.0-10.2 knows that there have been a bevy of jailbreak tweak releases specifically for iOS 10 since the jailbreak’s initial release, but what ones are the best and worth installing on your device?
In this roundup, we’ll talk about all of our favorite jailbreak tweaks for iOS 10 that have been released so far; chances are, you’ll stumble upon something you like too.
Last updated: May 16, 2017
The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 10
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Sorted in no particular order, here are some of the best jailbreak tweaks that have only been released within the last couple of months. All of these tweaks have been coded and designed with iOS 10 in mind:
App Center
App Center is a great tweak for iOS 10 devices that lets you take your app management to Control Center.
It will make it so you can run apps in ‘paged’ windows in Control Center, allowing you to dynamically swipe between them and interact with them in windowed views.
The tweak takes your recently-used apps to do this and is very light on system resources despite allowing lots of apps to run in the background.
As a tweak that can help increase productivity, this is something worth trying if you haven’t already given it a download. It’s available in Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $1.49.
You can read our full review to see more about how App Center works.
Waking up every morning to a bevy of notifications on the Lock screen can be so annoying, especially since iOS only sorts them by time received, making it harder to discern them apart from one another.
With a tweak called Unify, your notifications are all merged together based on app, which helps to organize them better for your viewing pleasure.
With this new sorting, you can more easily discern important notifications from non-important ones, especially when there are a lot of notifications pending your attention.
Available for $1.99 in Cydia’s BigBoss repository, Unify is certainly one of the must-have jailbreak tweaks for iOS 10 right now.
You can read our full review of Unify to learn more about how the tweak works.
For those of you who suspect someone else is using your device when you’re not looking, or who are just curious when the last time you unlocked your device was, LastTimeUnlocked just might be the tweak of the century for you.
This tweak displays the last time your device was unlocked right where the “press home to unlock” text would normally appear, giving you an idea of when you device was last used.
Given the fact that this can be considered useful information in a number of scenarios, it’s well worth the free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
We’d suggest reading our full review to learn more about why it’s a nice upgrade from the useless stock text.
Horseshoe is definitely one of the coolest iOS 10-specific jailbreak tweaks I’ve seen so far, as it takes the multi-page Control Center that comes stock with iOS 10 and consolidates it into a single-page interface.
In doing so, not only does the UI look better, but it means you can access some of the most important music settings with just a single tap, rather than having to swipe over first.
I’m also particularly a fan of that new slider, which can be toggled between brightness and volume mode on demand, rather than having two separate sliders eating up space individually. The same can be said for the buttons for AirPlay/AirDrop/Night Shift mode, which are all now consolidated into a single bar, rather than eating up two separate rows of space.
Horseshoe is a $1.99 tweak, but a lot of time and development went into its creation to make Control Center look sleek, as you would expect it to, all while keeping all of the functionality there at the same time.
You can learn more about Horseshoe from our full review.
There’s nothing like sending a message to the wrong person when you’re trying to send your significant other a really mushy text message. Such is especially the case when it goes to an employer or a family member instead (how embarrassing).
On the other hand, a tweak called MessageFilter lets you configure a blacklist and whitelist for specific words and then filter them on a per-contact basis, effectively preventing you from sending messages containing certain words to certain people.
With it, you can prevent yourself from calling your boss “baby” or your mom “sweetheart” by accident.
Available for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, MessageFilter seems like an obvious must-have for me, since I’m clumsy and have so many contacts, but perhaps you could make use of it too.
You can read our full review of MessageFilter to learn more about how it’s used and what it’s all about.
CCDataMore is a wonderful addition to Control Center because it adds a toggle for cellular data to the far right of the interface.
Not only is this a quick and easy way to toggle your cellular radio(s) on and off, but you can also use a 3D Touch gesture to turn off individual cellular radios rather than all of them at once.
Because it’s a free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, this is a great tweak for anyone.
You can read our full review of CCDataMore to learn more about why this is a great upgrade for your jailbroken iPhone or iPad.
HideMeX is a SpringBoard-customization tweak that is reminiscent of monster all-in-one tweaks like Springtomize.
Armed with numerous settings for changing the way your iOS 10 device looks and feels, you can customize your device beyond recognition from a stock device by hiding things you don’t want and making adjustments to your UI.
Just like Springtomize, the tweak is divided into settings categories for various things, such as Home screen, Notification Center, Status Bar, App Switcher, etc. The tweak is available from Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $2.99.
To learn more about what you can do with HideMeX, you can read our full review.
ColorBanners 2
ColorBanners 2 is a fun tweak that lets you colorize your notification banners on a system-wide basis based on the most dominant color of the app icon that the notification comes from.
Because it’s system-wide, it changes the look of banners on the Lock screen, on the Home screen, in apps, and even in Notification Center.
Even if you don’t want the tweak going by the dominant color of your app icons, you can also choose to colorize your banners so they’re all the same color, and different colors can be chosen depending on where in iOS the banners appear.
Because it’s just a $0.99 download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, it offers incredibly cost-efficient customization.
You can read our full review of ColorBanners 2 to learn more about how it works and whether or not it’s right for you.
Don’t Stop the Party!
I’m a jailbreak tweak reviewer, and one of my pet peeves is when I’m listening to my jam when I install countless tweaks and my jam gets interrupted, forcing me to restart my song.
While this isn’t as common of a problem for most people, it goes without saying that respringing your device creates an unpleasant pause for your media, whether you’re installing tweaks or just respringing your device to save changes for a tweak.
Don’t Stop the Party! is the solution, as it allows your music to continue playing throughout the full duration of the respring without even the slightest hiccup, Best of all, it can be had for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
To learn more about Don’t Stop the Party! and how it works, check out our full review.
Eclipse 4
Eclipse is just about one of the jailbreak community’s most sought after jailbreak tweaks, so when it was finally updated with full support for iOS 10, there was no doubt that would make this list.
With this tweak, you get a system-wide night mode across all of your iPhone or iPad’s apps. The night mode can be toggled on or off at any time with Activator or Flipswitch.
More importantly, you can control the colors that are used and you can even control what apps and what interfaces get colorized. With this high level of customization and uniformity, this tweak is a step above any night mode jailbreak tweak ever produced, hands-down.
Combined with other tweaks, such as the one we’re about to show you below, you can have one wicked-looking jailbroken iPhone. The tweak can be bad for just $0.99 from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
You can read our full review of Eclipse 4 to learn more about it and how it works.
Although Apple is opening things up a little bit on the Lock screen and in Notification Center by bringing the Spotlight widget interface to them, there’s still a lot left to be desired by jailbreakers.
Falcon helps fill your desires with more functionality, which you can pick and choose. Among the things you can enable as new pages on the Lock screen and in Notification Center are the following:
- A page dedicated to a bevy of toggles and controls
- A page dedicated to jotting down quick notes for later
- A page dedicated to browsing the web quickly and easily
All of these features are well-designed and look so good you’d almost think Apple themselves created the pages, so for the fair asking price of just $1.49 from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, I really don’t see how you could be disappointed with a gem like this.
You can read our full review of Falcon to learn more about what it can do and why it’s so great.
HUDPlayer is perhaps one of the cleanest volume HUD replacement jailbreak tweaks I’ve seen this year.
Getting rid of that clunky interface and replacing it with a banner notification-styled HUD that displays information about the song you’re playing is absolutely ingenious.
Adding rapport to the tweak’s clean implementation is how the developer created modes for both media and ringer, so no matter what volume you’re adjusting, things look great. You can get this tweak for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
You can read our full review of HUDPlayer to learn more about why it’s a must-have.
For those who have always wanted a kind of ‘dark mode’ for iOS, just like the one that has been available on macOS for some time, Noctis is the tweak for you.
This tweak darkens interfaces like Control Center, the application dock, application folders, the volume HUD, and even Control Center.
It doesn’t darken app interfaces, but it can be used in junction with tweaks like Eclipse or Nightmode9 to make a fuller effect.
You can read our full review of the iOS 9 version of Noctis to learn more about what to expect from the iOS 10 version of Noctis, which is available in Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $2.00.
StatusPeek 2
The Notification Center grabber has always left me with somewhat of a disappointed feeling in my gut.
While the intent of the grabber is good, it’s practically useless until you pull on it. That’s why StatusPeek 2 is a major upgrade for jailbroken iPhones everywhere.
This tweak replaces the Notification Center grabber with the Status Bar (and still acts like a grabber), allowing you to see important information at a glance without having to fully launch Notification Center as you normally would to see things like battery level, signal strength, time, etc…
This tweak can be downloaded from Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $0.99, and is well worth every penny.

To learn more about why StatusPeek 2 is a must-have tweak, you should check out our full review.
CCRecord is a really simple and free jailbreak tweak for iOS 10 devices that adds a shortcut to Control Center for recording your iPhone’s screen.
Interestingly, there is already code in iOS 10 for doing this, and there’s even a toggle for Control Center for it, but the jailbreak developer found a way to enable this native feature for jailbreakers.
Once you tap on the button, Apple’s native screen-recording process begins, and it will continue until you re-open Control Center and tap on the button again. At this point, a .MOV file gets saved to your Camera Roll that shows everything you just did on your iPhone.
To learn more about CCRecord, you can read our full review.
You can make Control Center more useful with a jailbreak tweak called Onizuka.
This tweak adds a new page to Control Center that shows you additional information about your device, and it even lets you theme Control Center so it looks different than it would on a stock device.
The information page shows you a ton of stuff, including data information, Wi-Fi network information, battery level, storage space left, and memory usage among other things. In addition, you can choose app shortcuts that dynamically change depending on the time of day it is.
Onizuka is a $0.99 download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, and you can learn more about the concept behind Onizuka in our full review.
Not everyone likes the way their Home screen app icons look, and the Yalu app icon is probably no exception to this rule of thumb, considering the face that appears on it.
With a tweak called AppCon, which can be had from Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $1.99, you can change individual app icons with images from your Photo library.
It also comes with the ability to customize all of your app icons at once with one image from your photo library, such that all your Home screen app icons as a grid create one single image.
If you want to learn more about AppCon, our full review goes more in-depth.
Springtomize 4
It’s hard to have a best jailbreak tweaks list without mentioning Springtomize – unfortunately the tweak wasn’t available during first iterations of this post; but now it is!
Springotmize 4 enables limitless customization over your iPhone’s SpringBoard, including countless options for things like the Home screen, Notification Center, Lock screen, Folders, Dock, Status Bar, and much more.

It’s the ultimate all-in-one jailbreak tweak that’s sure to be worth your money ($4.99 from Cydia’s BigBoss repository to be exact), and for that reason, we recommend grabbing it.
You can read our full review of Springtomize 4 to learn more about all of the features it comes packed with.
CCLowPower is yet another free Control Center tweak aimed at iOS 10 devices, which enables a hidden Low Power Mode toggle button in Control Center.
It appears Apple is experimenting with this feature and has hidden code in iOS 10 already, but this tweak simply enables the feature prematurely for jailbreakers.
The button, when tapped, enables Low Power Mode, and when tapped again, disables it. The button glows green when it’s turned on, and dims out again when you turn it back off.
You can read our full review of CCLowPower to learn more about it and its features.
Evanesco is another great tweak that can be had for free that was designed with iOS 10 in mind, and it’s meant to give your iPhone a cool aesthetic whenever it’s left to sit idle for a few seconds.
Whenever you don’t touch your iPhone for a while, it will dim the objects on your Home screen to make your wallpaper easier to see; these objects include the app icons, dock, and the Status Bar. When you touch your device’s screen again, everything will return to normal.
For the most part, you’re not going to be sitting and gawking at your Home screen all day long, but it’s still a pretty cool aesthetic that you can add to your jailbroken iOS 10 iPhone.
You can read our full review of Evanesco to learn more about its purpose and what it’s all about.
Starting with iOS 10, the respring process doesn’t show the iconic Apple logo anymore. Instead, you see a black screen with nothing but a spinner in the center.
After you install MakeRespringsGreatAgain, you will once again see that Apple logo that many are feeling nostalgic over.
The tweak can be had for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, and if you’re interested in learning more about how the tweak works, we have a full review you can check out as well.
Zeal is a battery management system for your jailbroken iPhone or iPad that makes it much easier to save power on demand.
Among the things you can do with it are invoke Low Power Mode, lower screen brightness, and access toggles right from an Activator-invoked interface.
Moreover, the interface also shows additional information about your battery that you’d normally have to download a third-party app for, such as the capacity in various interpretations, the battery cycles, the battery wear level, and the battery temperature.
For everything that comes packed into Zeal, the $0.99 price tag comes off as a fair price.
We recommend reading our full review of Zeal to learn more about it.
Cream 2
Cream 2 is a jailbreak tweak for Control Center in iOS 10 that lets you colorize the toggle buttons to appear any color you want them to whenever they’re enabled, and it can be had for free.
This tweak is perfect for those of you that like to customize your device so it doesn’t look like anyone else’s, and because you can choose your own colors, you can give it a splash of your own personality.
You can read our full review of Cream 2 to learn more about how it works and how it’s configured.
The double-decker Status Bar has been a pain point of mine for years, and I can’t help but feel that some of you agree.
Not only does it cramp things up by compressing the interface you’re in (say hello to very elongated Pokémon when playing Pokémon GO), but it even breaks the functionality of some apps by making some buttons unreachable.
UsageBarX lets you disable the double-decker Status Bar by limiting it to a single height, as well as enabling a transparent Status Bar option if you don’t like the stark blue, green, or red colors that appear depending on what’s causing the double-decker Status Bar in the first place.
A free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository and a major upgrade for iOS, UsageBarX is a no-brainer.
To learn more about the scenarios where UsageBarX is handy, be sure to check out our full review.
Creamless is basically the exact opposite of Cream 2; rather than colorizing your Control Center toggle buttons, this tweak extracts the color away from them. Despite being the opposite, it’s still the same in that it’s free.
This tweak is best for minimalists who don’t want to see a rainbow whenever they’re using their toggle buttons in Control Center. It effectively makes the toggle icons simply glow white when enabled, and dim back to black when disabled.
You can read our full review of Creamless to learn more about how it works.
Confero 2
If you get lots of notifications throughout the day, then your Home screen is probably peppered with red dots – those pesky notification badges.
Confero 2 is a notification badge manager that puts all of your unread notifications in one place so that you can easily acknowledge them. Even better is that it can hide your notification badges from the Home screen while it does this, so you get a cleaner looking Home screen in the process.
Confero 2 also comes with notification badge theming options for those of you who don’t want to hide all the badges, and this helps to make them subtler so that it doesn’t look like you have a bunch of little red eyes staring back at you from your Home screen.
Available in Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $1.99, Confero 2 is a wonderful upgrade from the stock notification system in iOS.
You can learn more about Confero 2 and why it’s a decent upgrade for your jailbroken iPhone in our full review.
ColorFlow 3
ColorFlow 3 is a tweak that colorizes the Now Playing music player based on the dominant colors of the album artwork of any music you have playing.
It impacts even the smallest details of the Now Playing interface, including the buttons, the knobs, the meta information, the Status Bar, and even the page dots on the Lock screen.
ColorFlow 3 is compatible with not only Apple’s Music app, but also with the third-party Spotify Music app. The tweak can be downloaded from Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $1.99.
To learn more about ColorFlow 3, check out our full review before trying it out.
ClassicFolders 2
If you have nostalgia for the way folders used to be prior to iOS 7, then ClassicFolders 2 is definitely worth your attention.
This tweak lets you go back to page break-styled folders rather than the full-screen folders that debuted in iOS 7.
Complete with themes, you can go for something that looks like an older version of iOS or you can you can opt for a more modern look. ClassicFolders 2 is a $1.99 download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
To learn more about ClassicFolders 2 and why it’s a blast from the past, be sure to read our full review about it.
Aerial is the latest release from Surenix, which allows you to colorize your Status Bar icons to be any color you want them to be.
The tweak lets you configure every icon possible from the tweak’s settings, and these colors will take effect anywhere throughout iOS, whether you’re in an app or on the Home screen.
While not everyone cares about minor aesthetic customization tweaks like this, some people are really heavily invested into making their iPhones stand out from everyone else’s so Aerial is a good place to start for the latter group of people.
Aerial is available in Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $1.99.
You can read our full review of Aerial to learn more about how it works and what we think about it.
Acapella III
Acapella III changes the way you control your music as you listen to it, and it starts by adding new gestures to your Now Playing interface.
You might be used to using tap buttons to pause/play music or navigating from song to song, but this tweak hides those buttons and lets you use swipe and tap gestures to accomplish the same functions.
The simpler UI not only looks better, but the gestures let you take more advantage of the amazing touch screen on your device, rather than using touch-screen based buttons that remind you of the days when you used physical buttons to control your music.
Acapella III is a huge upgrade from the stock music control system and is a $2.99 download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
You can learn more about Acapella III in our full review.
The Voice Memos app normally displays a waveform on the Lock screen and a red Status Bar any time it’s recording sound around you.
If you’re in an environment where you want to record someone without them knowing, this can blow your cover, and that’s why one iOS developer created a free jailbreak tweak called discreetVoiceMemos.
This tweak disables those visual cues that would normally give you away for recording people without their permission. By letting you record conversations discreetly, it’s the perfect way to catch people in lies without them knowing. Of course… we’d never condone infringing on someone’s privacy, so please take that into consideration.
You can read our full review of discreetVoiceMemos to learn more about how it works.
iOS 10 comes with bigger Emojis in the Messages app whenever they’re sent or received without any additional text, a feature that’s reminiscent of Facebook Messenger’s stickers.
For those who don’t like this, and want to go back to how things were in iOS 9, Littlemoji is a free tweak that returns the size of sent and received Emojis in the Messages app to the size of a line of text.
This means Emojis take up less space and you can see more of your conversation at a glance.
You can read our full review of Littlemoji to learn more about the tweak.
Spin10 is a circular redesign for the Now Playing interface on the Lock screen that changes everything from the metadata, to the way the artwork is displayed.
The tweak takes the way you look at and interact with your music controls on your Lock screen to the next level by moving away from the traditional blocky style of music controls that feel the same as they always have in iOS since the beginning.
With intelligent color detection, the tweak automatically colors the scrubber grabber with the dominant colors of the Now Playing album artwork and just looks amazing no matter what you’re listening to.
Spin10 is available from Cydia’s BigBoss repository for just $0.99, and if you listen to a lot of music, it might be worth checking out.
You can read our full review to see more about how Spin10 works and what we think about it.
WeatherLock is a tweak that takes a relatively old idea and makes it feasible on iOS 10 – it enables the use of animated Weather app backgrounds as wallpapers on the Lock screen.
Imagine waking up in the morning and looking at your iPhone only to see the weather conditions outside right on your Lock screen; now you know exactly what your day is going to look like.
It’s also a great upgrade over the boring stock dynamic wallpapers and the Live Photos or still images you have to pick from and is just a $0.99 download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
You can read our full review of WeatherLock to learn more about how to get it and why it’s great.
Cuttlefish is a free tweak that tints your 3D Touch menus and their blurred backgrounds to match the dominant color of the app icon you’re using the 3D Touch gesture on.
This tweak is fully aesthetic, offering no functional use, but it does look pretty nice and makes your iPhone stand out from everyone else’s.
More importantly, this tweak works flawlessly with extensions like Forcy and RevealMenu on devices that don’t support 3D Touch natively, so everyone can cash in on the fun.
You can read our full review of Cuttlefish to learn more about it.
ReformX is a free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository that lets you customize your Home screen app icon layout in almost any way you want, but it also includes some other miscellaneous options as well.
For what it’s worth, the tweak is a lot like a lite version of Springtomize, as you can choose the grid layout and app icon size of your Home screen, dock, and folders among other things.
For anyone who likes that custom Home screen layout look and feel, ReformX is a great new tweak to try out on your jailbroken iOS 10 device, and since it’s free, it’s not out of anyone’s reach.
You can read our full review of ReformX to see everything it’s capable of and what kind of settings it has to offer.
Best Jailbreak Apps Iphone 8
I’ve always kind of hated how general iOS is with its notification time estimates. Rather than showing an exact time stamp, it shows an approximation, which makes things harder to follow.
If you missed a notification and it’s several hours or days old, you’ll never get to calculate the exact time that the notification was received from the banner notification on the Lock screen or in Notification Center, and that’s a problem that ExactTime tries to fix.
ExactTime forces iOS to display the exact time when a notification was received in the banner header so that there’s no guesswork involved. This tweak is a free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
You can learn more about ExactTime and why it’s essential in our full review.
CCTButtonActions is another cool free jailbreak tweak for iOS 10. This one lets you use 3D Touch gestures on your toggle buttons to get to their respective preference panes in the Settings app.
If you need to get to your Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or Do Not Disturb preference panes quickly without navigating the Settings app, for example, then this tweak is for you. It also brings you to the Airplane Mode preference pane when the Airplane Mode toggle is 3D Touched and to the Display & Brightness preference pane when the Rotation Lock toggle is 3D Touched.
To learn more about CCButtonActions and how it’s useful, you can head over to our full review of the tweak.
Best Ios Jailbreak Apps
SpecialFaces is one of those breakthrough jailbreak tweaks that you’ll either love or hate, but it’s definitely worthy of note since the iOS 10 jailbreak dropped because it’s one of the first tweaks to modify the Apple Watch in any way.
This tweak enables the Hermès and Nike watch faces on unsupported Apple Watches. While it’s not without its glitches, it does enable you to use watch faces you normally couldn’t access without having to buy another type of Apple Watch to do so.
The tweak is currently a free download from Cydia, although adding a private repository is necessary.
To learn more about how to get and set up SpecialFaces, you will want to read our full review.
FingerTouch is a great tweak that I would categorize as a type of Activator-like jailbreak tweak designed specifically for the Touch ID sensor on your iPhone or iPad.
It essentially lets you assign certain actions to different TouchID-based gestures, whether it’s tapping and holding, double-tapping, or something else.
You can assign the gestures to a variety of actions, like toggling your flashlight or taking a screenshot, just to name a couple.
As a free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, FingerTouch is worth checking out, and you can read our full review to learn about all of the gestures and the actions that the tweak is capable of.
PulseHUD is a free and very unique volume HUD replacement that removes all visual cues of your volume level from the screen in place of a pulsing animation in the center of your screen.
This pulse animation occurs for each volume button press you perform, so if you press either the volume up or volume down button 3 times, you should see 3 pulses on your screen.
It works best in tandem with another tweak like StatusHUD 2 because this will let you see your current volume level while also enjoying the pulse animations.
You can learn more about PulseHUD in our full review.
NoSharePlz is a simple and free tweak for iOS 10 that gets rid of that annoying “Share This App” option in the 3D Touch menus via the Home screen.
For the most part, no one really uses these menus, and it has been requested time and time again for a jailbreak tweak to remove these menus to cut down on clutter.
You can read our full review of NoSharePlz to learn more about it and how to get it.
It has always been kind of annoying that you have to go into the Settings app and dig through a number of settings just to get to the Low Power Mode toggle.
QuickPowerMode is a simple tweak that lets you tap on the battery icon in the Status Bar to toggle Low Power Mode on or off on demand.
By removing all the other unnecessary steps, Low Power Mode is now never more than just a tap away, and the tweak can be had for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
You can read our full review of QuickPowerMode to see why this is something you should install.
Pasithea 2
The copy/paste system on iPhones is a common pain point for just about everyone. No one likes how cumbersome it is to go through the process to copy text and then paste it into a text field.
Pasithea 2 helps solve this problem by giving you a completely new way to manage your pasteboard right from your keyboard. This pasteboard lets you see all of your recently-copied text items and easily insert them into a text field with a tap.
You can also favorite or delete items from the Pasithea keyboard, which makes pasteboard management both simple and secure.
If everything sounds good to you, then you’ll want to head over to Cydia’s BigBoss repository right now and grab this gem for $1.99.
You can read our full review of Pasithea 2 to learn more about it and how it works.
You colorize everything else in iOS when you’re jailbroken, so why not your cursor and text selectors?
A jailbreak tweak called Moose lets you colorize these items so you don’t always see the standard blue color when you’re copying or editing text.
The tweak complements themes and other colorization tweaks quite well, and it’s subtle enough that you could even use it on its own. Even better is that the tweak is a free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.
You can read our full review of Moose to learn more about how it works.
Gorgone is a free jailbreak tweak that enables Slide Over and Split View on unsupported devices, which includes those running iOS 10.
Because the feature was normally limited to only certain iPads before, there were some iPad models that couldn’t utilize the feature, while iPhone and iPod touch users were also included in that discrimination.
After you install this tweak, you can slide over from the right side of the screen to access your app picker, which lets you do into dual-app mode and see them running side-by-side.
You can read our full review of Gorgone to learn more about how it works.
Safe Alarm 3
Safe Alarm 3 is basically the way alarms should have come out of the box on stock iPhones. It provides a number of in-depth features that, for whatever reason, Apple doesn’t want to give us for our alarms.
For example, you can configure certain alarms to only go off on certain days of the week, choose custom volume levels for your alarms, configure a fade-in effect for your alarms, and even force yourself to solve a math problem to dismiss the alarm.
Among all of these features, you can exceed the function of your pitiful stock iOS alarm and actually be happy with it for once. All you have to do is download this tweak from Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $1.99.
You can read our full review of Safe Alarm 3 to learn more about everything it’s capable of.
Calendar for Lockscreen 2
There is definitely a calendar problem in iOS that makes it hard for those who utilize the Calendar app to stay updated with their upcoming events, and that is how iOS doesn’t show your upcoming events until just before the event is set to occur and then it disappears from sight after you acknowledge it.
With a tweak called Calender for Lockscreen 2, you can force your upcoming calendar events from any preset time frame in the future to appear on your Lock screen so that they’re always in your face.
They won’t disappear until they have been completed, which helps to prevent you from ever forgetting about them, and this helps keep you from ever having an excuse for forgetting about your important events.
Available in Cydia’s BigBoss repository for $1.99, I would recommend this tweak for anyone who keeps their Calendar app booked and needs a better way to keep track of their busy lives.
Everything about this tweak, from top to bottom, is customizable, and to learn more about it, you can check out our full review.
Delay Read Receipts
Delay Read Receipts (iOS 10) is basically the read receipt manager that everyone needs in their lives, and best of all, it’s free.
Read receipts have the ability to create majorly awkward moments and infuriated significant others. the problem with them is that it acknowledges you read the other person’s message, but you can’t always reply in time. This sometimes sends mixed signals to the other person.
Delay Read Receipts (iOS 10) is a great solution because it delays sending any read receipts via iMessage until you’re absolutely ready. You can use the tweak to prevent read receipts from being sent until you either begin typing a message or actually tap on the Send button. This means you can peacefully read messages and they’ll never know until you start taking action.
Best Free Jailbreak Apps For Iphone
You can learn more about why Delay Read Receipts (iOS 10) is a life-saver in our full review.
Honorable mentions
1) Activator
Activator is a true staple for any jailbroken iPhone, and on Ryan Petrich’s beta repository, you can download a beta version of Activator for iOS 10. Need I say any more?
2) Barrel
A true classic, this tweak lets you change your page-to-page Home screen animations. It still works flawlessly on iOS 10.
3) CallBar
A great way to change up the incoming call interface in iOS 10 without being too rudely interrupted by a full-screen notification.
4) ForceInPicture
Good Jailbreak Apps For Iphone
If you have a device that doesn’t support Picture-in-Picture mode natively, you can use this tweak to forcefully enable it.
5) iFile
iFile is a staple for jailbroken devices, and allows you to browse and edit your iOS filesystem. It’s good for cleaning out junk files from time to time. It’s not officially supported on iOS 10, but everything appears to work.
6) PowerDown
My personal favorite way to force a respring when you need to. It lets you choose from several power options when you press and hold the power button, such as respring, reboot, shut down, and safe mode.
7) TetherMe
Another classic. If you want to use your iPhone as a personal hotspot, but your carrier doesn’t let you, you can use this for forcefully enable the feature.
8) StatusHUD 2
Great for those of you who hate the volume HUD in iOS, as it places the volume indicators in the Status Bar where they’re out of the way instead.
Other stuff you need to know
Jailbreak tweaks are being released almost every day, so it isn’t easy to keep up with them in a single roundup and continue to go over every single one of the classics that have existed for years. That said, if there’s something you want to know about from the past that isn’t on this list, then we will redirect you to the iOS 10 compatibility spreadsheet, which has a full list of compatibility statuses for most jailbreak tweaks in existence today.
Finally, remember to be careful when installing tweaks on iOS 10, as not all jailbreak tweaks are compatible or completely stable. You try jailbreak tweaks and jailbreak your iOS 10 device at your own risk, with no warranty implied, as has been the story since the first jailbreak was conceived.
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